United Kingdom: Awards relating to the Vierdaagse

The Air Training Corps (ATC) is the British Royal Air Force's cadet force. The ATC send about 20 teams to the Marches each year, each of 2 adults and 10 cadets.
ATC uniform includes a brassard on the right arm on which qualification badges earned while a cadet are worn. With large numbers of cadets completing the Marches, an unofficial practice developed of wearing the Vierdaagse Cross or its ribbon bar on the brassard.
In 2003 the system was regularised when the Vierdaagse Cross ribbon bar was authorised for wear on the brassard. In 2005, a committee reviewing ATC badges decided to replace this with a specific ATC brassard badge, to be awarded to each cadet who successfully completed the marches from 2006. As the marches that year were cancelled after the first day, the badge was first awarded in 2007.
The cloth badge is 4cm wide and is 3cm at its highest point. It is only awarded once, even if a cadet completes the march again in a subsequent year. It is not given to adult staff, who are not permitted to wear it even if previously earned while a cadet. The exact position to wear the badge on the brassard depends on the cadet’s other badges.
With thanks to Richard Courtney for supplying relevant information and the close up photograph of the badge.